Day 10 and 11, January 7th and 8th 2013: At sea, en route to Elephant Island

Day 10

Recovery day today after a hectic schedule at South Georgia, although it is sad to leave behind one of the most beautiful and remote places on earth. Although we still have good weather, the open ocean is quite a bit choppier, and we were surrounded by fog for much of the day. Original plan for the day was to head to the Orkney Islands, however, the northern extent of the pack ice has prevented us from getting close, so we are heading to Elephant Island instead, a rarely visited chunk of rock at the northern tip of the Antarctic peninsula and another leg in Shackleton’s journey. Agenda for the day was a series of lectures on geology, mammals, birds and sea ice, and yet another discussion-provoking presentation by Richard Alley on climate change and alternative energy. Edward Rooke’s drawing class was well attended, and I was thrilled to produce yet another picture that was recognizably a penguin! Wonders will never cease. Another day at sea tomorrow.

Day 11

Another sea day, and another opportunity to catch up on some much-needed sleep. We had a light lecture series today, then a photo critique with Scott and Tom.

Pintado Petrels and Albatross.

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